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Utilizing a Feminist Approach for Supervision: Balancing Power, Growth and Gatekeeping Asynchronous Training (1.5 NBCC Credits)

  • 9 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


This course will provide a brief overview of Feminist theory as it applies to clinical supervision of trainees/supervisees. Participants will explore ways in which supervisors can navigate inherent power imbalances within the supervisory relationship utilizing Feminist Theory interventions to increase collaboration within supervision. Participants will also discuss how and when specific hierarchical interventions may need to be utilized to address ethical concerns with supervisees. Participants will discuss ways in which Feminist focused supervision and self-of-therapist can be utilized in tandem to increase supervisee growth and development while maintaining appropriate boundaries with the supervisor and clients. This training will focus on the following objectives: •Participants will gain an understanding of and be able to apply relevant concepts and interventions from Feminist Theory to supervision style. •Participants will be able to identify 3 ways in which self-of-therapist focus and Feminist Theory interventions can support supervisees clinical development. •Participants will be able to identify 3 interventions to utilize to navigate ethical or clinical issues with supervisees which may necessitate gatekeeping. *Before beginning the program, please ensure that you have completed your CBPI account profile including your first and last name as you would like it to appear on your CE certificate (please note this requires completing all sections of the profile, not just your "display name.")

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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